Friday, December 10, 2010

1 year stats

Poor Barton got sick on the night of his birthday, so this is actually the morning after. However I don't think he'd know the difference :-)
At 12 months Barton was:
Length: 29", 25%
Weight: 21 lbs 3 oz, 25% (yay he can turn around in his car seat)
Head circ: 47.5 cm, 80% (Well Grandpa Barton did say that he had a 'Barton' head)
Teeth 11! (#12 came in 3 weeks after his birthday, hope we're done for a while)
Hair: Well maybe one of these days he'll start growing some.
Barton is now a proficient crawler, he gave up the army crawl at 10 months. He is also a very good supported walker, he can walk short distances by himself but is too scared to walk across the room alone. He loves to walk with the huggie box???

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