Monday, October 20, 2008


While in Florida we had some fun. We went to Adventures Island and Universal Studios, toured KSC, went on an air boat ride and saw tons of alligators (Mace felt right at home), and went on a whirlwind 1 day tour of the 4 Disney parks.


Melynn said...

Hey there! Yes, I thought that I was never going to see a post from you ever again. I checked and checked and then I lost hope. But here you are now and you managed to post not just once, but twice.

I did get a running stroller. I use it like every day, and it is pretty much my favorite things. Too bad it is not Madelyn's favorite thing. My walks are not very long.

I am not surprised you got an award from NASA. You are amazing and I really wish that I was more like you.

How is married life? It looks like Florida was fun. We really want to go to Florida next summer. We'll see if it happens.

Good to hear from you. Keep in touch.

Jill Lewis said...

AMY! I'm so glad you updated your blog! Congratulations on your award from NASA-wow! That is awesome and it doesn't even surprise me. Thanks for being someone I can look up to. You are brilliant, beautiful, and humble. I sure love ya!
Jill Lewis

Colee said...

YAY you're back ;)